The Gifford Newsletter

Fall 2019  |  A new website, new stories, and much more.

Banner Photo Credit: Daylight Blue Media

Broadening Perspectives:

Beyond the Money

Sheena Solomon discusses her first year as Executive Director, the changes that Gifford is going through, and our plans for the future.

Welcome to the

New Website!

Mobile: Our new format lets you browse our site from any device type or size.

Information: Resources about capacity building and grantmaking have been updated to reflect the latest developments.

Accessibility: A new team directory allows you to instantly connect with and learn about our team members.

History: Take a look back at the origins of The Gifford Foundation as we celebrate our 65th year.

Email: Stay informed about events, grants, workshops, and more by joining our email list.

Social: Are you connected with us on all of our platforms?

Digital Forensics: Using Tech to Investigate Child Abuse in CNY

The increased connectivity brought on by mobile internet access and the ubiquity of cell phones has created new dangers – particularly for children. However, it has also created new opportunities to catch predators and gather evidence against them. Through a Gifford Foundation grant, McMahon Ryan has added a new forensic tool that helps make child abuse investigations faster and more thorough.

Breaking Barriers at Ed Smith

Through a collaboration with My Lucky Tummy and funding by a What If… mini grant from the Gifford Foundation, they organized a record breaking community dinner featuring a range of authentic foreign foods and hosting attendees from all over the community. Though the event only lasted one night, it was a key moment in a larger story of a school with changing demographics and the community members who wanted to help build inclusivity.

Congratulations to our Power 3 Graduates

This month, the four organizations who participated in the 2019 POWER program officially graduated. The diverse group of CNY based non-profit organizations have spent the past year working with specially trained consultants to grow their strength and implement a work plan tailored to their specific needs.

The Fulton Renaissance

In 2011, Nancy Fox put an ad in the Fulton Daily News inviting anyone from the community to attend a meeting in a church basement. Despite some early skepticism, 14 people attended that first meeting. In addition to developing the resources to promote a diverse range of artistic opportunities, their efforts were focused on a core problem: how do you mobilize a community to form an arts center when most residents had never interacted with one before?

Take a Look!

Explore the gallery below for a look at what we have been up to.

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