The Gifford Newsletter
Winter 2024
Lessons in Community Building
Embracing Disruption: 5 CNY Nonprofits Emerge with New Programs and Systems
On a snowy night in February, members from across the Central New York nonprofit community gathered together to celebrate the graduation of five organizations from The Gifford Foundation’s Embracing Disruption program and to hear updates about the impact of the 17-month capacity building initiative.

Mark your Calendar:
Empowering Teams, Fostering Wellness Workshop Series

with Lisa Newcomb
Thrive in Healing
April 3rd and 10th from 4:30 – 7 pm
How can individuals and organizations protect their psychological and emotional wellbeing while continuing to serve their communities?
In a two part interactive series, consultant Lisa Newcomb provides strategies for identifying and alleviating burnout, building healthy relationships, and effectively managing conflict.
Session 1: Burn Bright, Not Out – Empowering Teams to Conquer Burnout
Session 2: Nurturing Relationships and Managing Stressors
Home HeadQuarters: Building Community Partnerships and Revenue
Home HeadQuarters has developed a strong reputation for providing the loans, trainings, and other support required for expanding home ownership and improvement. What is less visible, however, are the strategies and structures they have developed for seeding and strengthening communities – both among their clients as well as among partner institutions. Studying their work reveals important lessons around how nonprofits can magnify their impact through the power of shared incentives and mutually beneficial relationship building.
Unveiling Our Online Resource Library
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for individuals and organizations to understand the ways in which they can interact and benefit from The Gifford Foundation. With this in mind, we created a single page where all of our active programs and opportunities live.
We also invite you to take some time to visit our new Resources page, where we have added or updated several features.
Building Access to the Arts
Blondean Young returned to Syracuse in 2017 with the goal of promoting arts access within the Black community. A Gifford “What If…” Mini Grant helped her get started and introduced her to the grant writing process. Today, she leads a multifaceted and multicultural agency called BLAAC which has garnered additional support from the Central New York Community Foundation and CNY Arts, and is providing a growing suite of arts programming to the community. This is her story.
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