Maximilian Eyle
Communications and Grants Specialist

Maximilian Eyle
Communications and Grants Specialist
Maximilian is a native of Syracuse, NY, and a graduate of Corcoran High School. He has a B.A. in History and American Studies from Hobart and William Smith Colleges where he graduated in 2015. After working for two years as a communications and digital media consultant with The Gifford Foundation, he joined their team as a full-time staff member in 2021.
Maximilian’s primary roles include authoring Gifford’s quarterly newsletter, building their online presence, and supporting their grantmaking and program work. He believes strongly in the idea that effective communications can help unite and inspire communities by highlighting the shared ideas, struggles, and aspirations among residents.
In 2019, Maximilian rebuilt Gifford’s website from the ground up with new features, aesthetics, and functions. He also oversaw the revival of the Gifford Newsletter which highlights not only the work of the Foundation but also follows grantees and program graduates as they give back to the CNY community. In his role as Communications and Grants Specialist, Maximilian also helps manage Gifford’s grant database software and oversee incoming grant requests.
In addition to a deep love of history, Maximilian is passionate about Spanish language and culture. In 2013, he spent a semester studying at the University of Seville, in Spain.
Two years later, he was hired by Spain’s Ministry of Education to work as an English Language and Culture Assistant in Mahón, Minorca. Maximilian also moonlights as a musician, performing regularly across Central New York in bars, restaurants, and at festivals. In 2022, he joined the Hiscock Legal Aid Society’s board of directors where he serves as the chair of their Resource Development Committee.