Explore Local Consultants

Our directory of Central New York (CNY) based consultants includes a wide array of specializations, expertise, and experience. Please keep in mind that inclusion in this list does not necessary reflect an endorsement from The Gifford Foundation; the list is meant to help organizations who are doing their own research find a consultant that best fits their needs.

To download the full directory in spreadsheet form, please click here.

*An asterisk indicates that the consultant has worked on a Gifford capacity building program and therefore has training in the Nonprofit Lifecycles model. 

If you are a local consultant that would like to be added to our directory, please contact Lindsay McClung at lindsay@giffordfoundation.org.

Lisa Newcomb

Company: Thrive in Healing

Phone: (315) 313 – 4024

Areas of Expertise: Organizational development, organizational wellness consulting, and capacity-building within non-profit and community-based organizations.

Email: Click to view

Melissa Marrone

Company: Marrone Consulting, LLC

Phone: (315) 491 – 5328

Areas of Expertise: Fundraising/Financial Planning, Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, grant writing, social media, systems change, program development/evaluation

Email: Click to view

Demitrius & Arlaina McNeil

Company: Our Glass Consulting, LLC

Phone: (240) 421 – 2605

Areas of Expertise: Leadership/Board Development, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Leadership Assessment, Employee Fulfillment, Workshop Facilitation, Organizational Change Management, Workplace Culture Development, Speaking Engagements

Email: Click to view

Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken

Company: Five Oaks Consulting

Phone: (315) 720 – 2135

Areas of Expertise: Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Change Management; Team Coaching; Facilitation, organizational culture change; and virtual and hybrid team leadership.

Email: Click to view

Ebony Pengel

Company: Unique Consults

Areas of Expertise: Leadership/Board Development, Facilitation, Team building, Fractional COO

Email: Click to view


Terri Colone

Company: Colone Consulting, LLC

Phone: (315) 243-1057

Areas of Expertise: Grantsmanship Consulting, Project Management, Funding Strategies, Grant Writing and Reporting

Email: Click to view


Rachel Johnson

Company: Half Hood Half Holistic

Phone: (716) 541 – 4739

Areas of Expertise: Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Middle Management Coaching

Email: Click to view


Kelly Ocampo

Company: Salt City Grants

Areas of Expertise: Grant Writing

Email: Click to view



Natalie Scavone

Company: OMN Consults

Phone: (315) 440 – 7017

Areas of Expertise: Communications/Web Development, Leadership/Board Development, Curriculum

Email: Click to view

Kristin Sheehan

Company: Sheehan Communications

Phone: (646) 421 – 0291

Areas of Expertise: Marketing strategy, digital marketing, media and event production, public relations, multi-media campaigns, design

Email: Click to view

Kavon Chatman

Company: PHU Concepts Inc

Phone: (585) 806 – 6082

Areas of Expertise:  Communications/Web Development, Leadership/Board Development, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Digital Marketing

Email: Click to view

Virginia Biesiada

Phone: (315) 415 – 4161

Areas of Expertise:  Human Resources

Email: Click to view

Adrianne Morton *

Company: Blue Lotus Consulting LLC

Phone: (315) 877 – 7465

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Grant Proposal Writing

Email: Click to view

Andrew Clark

Company: Andrew Clark & Associates

Phone: (315) 412 – 6710

Areas of Expertise: Technology Systems, Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Organizational/cultural transformation.

Email: Click to view

Karin Franklin-King *

Company: KFK Consulting

Phone: (315) 676-4424, (315) 420-5563

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Retreat/Group Meetings Facilitator; Marketing & PR

Email: Click to view

Carrie Luber

Company: M3 Placement and Partnership

Phone: (315) 624 – 2230

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Career Coaching, Training, Career Transition, Enhanced Career support, Placement

Email: Click to view

Judy Wolf *

Phone: (315) 525 – 5165

Areas of Expertise:  Communications/Web Development, Leadership/Board Development, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Leadership & Team Coaching; Conflict Resolution; Transitions/Change Management

Email: Click to view

Steven Schack *

Company: Clear Blue Associates LLC

Phone: (917) 836 – 8045

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Capacity Building and Strategic Planning

Email: Click to view

Katie Doucette *

Company: The Leading Element

Phone: (315) 382 – 2286

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Leadership Coaching

Email: Click to view

Maria Fibiger *

Company: Three Dog Consulting

Phone: (315) 885 – 6690

Areas of Expertise:  Fundraising/Financial Planning, Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Transition/Succession Planning, Organizational Turnaround/Crisis Management, Organization Mergers & Dissolution

Email: Click to view

Jeff Grimshaw *

Company: Jeff Grimshaw Consulting

Phone: (315) 591 – 5515

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Certified Nonprofit Lifecycles Consultant

Email: Click to view

Mary Carney

Company: Mary Carney Consulting

Phone: 315-308-1149

Areas of Expertise:  Communications/Web Development, Research, Data Analysis and Visualization, Writing, Training and Technical Assistance, Project Planning, Project Management, Evaluation

Email: Click to view

Marissa Saunders *

Company: Essential Conceptions Consulting

Phone: (347) 541-3207

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, Program Development

Email: Click to view

Marsha Tait

Company: Marsha L. Tait Consulting

Phone: (315) 345 – 8041

Areas of Expertise:  Fundraising/Financial Planning, Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Strategic Planning, Conflict Resolution

Email: Click to view

Nancy Smith

Company: NHSmith Consulting

Phone: (315) 952 – 1166

Areas of Expertise:  Strategic positioning, funding, grant development

Email: Click to view

Sara Bollinger

Company: SWB Consulting Services

Phone: (315) 447 – 7937

Areas of Expertise:  Fundraising/Financial Planning, Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment

Email: Click to view

Kim Smolen

Company: Social Impact Strategies, LLC

Phone: (315) 350-0197

Areas of Expertise: Leadership/Board Development, Program and Fund Development, Culture/Change Management, Communities of Practice, Cross-Sector Design and Impact Models, Team Coaching/Performance Management.

Email: Click to view

Gary Livent

Company: BL Consulting

Phone: (315) 952 – 2264

Areas of Expertise:  Fundraising

Email: Click to view

Heidi Holtz *

Company: Stillwork Consulting Group LLC

Phone: (315) 559 – 2636

Areas of Expertise:  Capacity assessments and capacity building (certified Nonprofit Lifecycles,) Strategic Pathways, Leadership and Board development, including coaching.

Email: heidi@stillworkconsulting.com

Patty Weisse *

Company: Patty Weisse Consulting

Phone: (315) 935 – 6003

Areas of Expertise:  Fundraising/Financial Planning, Leadership/Board Development, Impact Assessment, Optimizing earned revenues

Email: Click to view

Jon Zella

Phone: (631) 935-2632

Areas of Expertise:  Communications/Web Development, Digital Marketing, Fundraising

Email: Click to view

Jeff Bastable

Company: B + L Consulting

Phone: (315) 263 – 8554

Areas of Expertise:  Fundraising

Email: Click to view

Cynthia O'Connor *

Company: Apter & O’Connor Associates, Inc.

Phone: (315) 427 – 5747

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, Capacity Building, Needs Assessments, Evaluation and Impact Assessments.

Email: Click to view

Mark Britz *

Company: SXD Solutions

Phone: (315) 552 – 0538

Areas of Expertise:  Technology Systems, Communications/Web Development, Impact Assessment, Knowledge Management, Training and Development.

Email: Click to view

Connie Whitton

Company: Whitton Consulting Group, LLC

Phone: (315) 882 – 8497

Areas of Expertise:  Leadership/Board Development, executive coaching and career development.

Email: Click to view

Shaneika Ford

Company: SMG Consulting Services of CNY

Phone: (315) 382-4538

Areas of Expertise:  Workplace Crisis Management, Organizational Transformation/Change Management, Interim Executive Leadership, Human Resource Management, Systems and Processes Enhancement, Executive/Leadership Coaching, Professional Photography

Email: Click to view

Lara Sepanski Pimentel

Company: Osa Philanthropy LLC

Phone: (315) 404-7388

Areas of Expertise:  Fundraising

Email: Click to view

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