The Gifford Foundation

Fostering growth, encouraging change.


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The Winter ’25 Newsletter

Investing in Youth Success

Supporting Our Community Since 1954

The Gifford Foundation is a private foundation dedicated to the stewardship of the funds entrusted to its care. The Foundation is committed to using its financial and human resources to build the capacity of individuals and organizations to enhance the quality of life for the community we serve.

Capacity Building

We help nonprofits build the skills and resources necessary to boost their impact.


Since our inception, we have given out over $45 million to CNY nonprofits.

A Network of Support

Our staff works to facilitate development and growth within our community.

How We Help

We recognize that there are many individuals and organizations who have a drive to make a difference within their communities. Unfortunately, a lack of resources and training can stand in the way of making these ideas a reality. For 70 years, the Gifford Foundation has provided the grants and leadership training necessary to facilitate broad, community based change across CNY. Our capacity building initiatives help raise the bar for what’s possible.

Over $45 million in grants awarded

Grantmaking is traditionally reactive, but in line with our belief in community engagement we emphasize a personal approach. By developing a relationship with each grantee, we are better able to help them become strong and durable forces within our community.

Grants awarded since our founding

Engage With Us

Winter 2024 Newsletter

Explore stories, interviews, and strategic resources for you and your organization in this latest issue of The Gifford Newsletter.


Explore our resource and program directory to see which opportunity is the best fit for you or your organization.

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Read Our History

Take a look back at the origins of The Gifford Foundation as we celebrate our 70th year.

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Featured Stories

Interviews, profiles, and other spotlights on the innovative nonprofit leaders making a difference in our community.

4 Essential Grant Writing Strategies

4 Essential Grant Writing Strategies

Consultant Babette Baker led members of the Central New York nonprofit community through a comprehensive two-part series exploring strategies for writing successful grants. Looking back on the experience, we highlighted some of the key ideas that resonated most with the audience and shaped the foundation of the class.

Shared Knowledge: John Tumino on Grant Writing

Shared Knowledge: John Tumino on Grant Writing

In 2011, John Tumino left his job as a restaurant owner and chef to launch In My Father’s Kitchen with his wife Leigh-Ann. Their work supports people facing homelessness through access to food, medical care, spiritual resources, and other avenues of assistance. They recently made headlines after deploying a new full service medical van delivering care to the homeless, paid for by a $200,000 HUD grant through the City of Syracuse.

Funder Collaborative Formed to Increase STEM Youth Programming

Funder Collaborative Formed to Increase STEM Youth Programming

Funder Collaborative Formed to Increase STEM Youth Programming $150,000 in grant funding brings a new national program to the region.Published May 17th, 2023 A partnership called the Youth STEM Funder Collaborative is granting $150,000 to bring the nationally...

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