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We have a lot of stuff in the works – don’t be the last to know.

Explore the sections below to see what we have been up to.

Empowering Teams, Fostering Wellness Series

Empowering Teams, Fostering Wellness Series

How can individuals and organizations protect their psychological and emotional wellbeing while continuing to serve their communities?

In a two part interactive series, consultant Lisa Newcomb provides strategies for identifying and alleviating burnout, building healthy relationships, and effectively managing conflict.

Embracing Disruption: 5 CNY Nonprofits Emerge with New Programs and Systems

Embracing Disruption: 5 CNY Nonprofits Emerge with New Programs and Systems

On a snowy night in February, members from across the Central New York nonprofit community gathered together to celebrate the graduation of five organizations from The Gifford Foundation’s Embracing Disruption program and to hear updates about the impact of the 17-month capacity building initiative.

What If Mini Grants: A Record  Year

What If Mini Grants: A Record Year

In 2023, more “What If…” applications were submitted, more projects were funded, more grant dollars were awarded, and more orientation sessions were attended than ever before.

A Guide to Successful Recruitment and Retention

A Guide to Successful Recruitment and Retention

The Gifford Foundation invited Human Resources expert Dr. Tiffanie Dillard to present strategies for how nonprofits can actually leverage the fast-changing work environment to their advantage: by playing to their strengths and learning from the data, there are ways to grow your applicant pool while making life better for the staff you already have.

Announcing the 2023 Board Development Series

Announcing the 2023 Board Development Series

In our role as a funder, we have heard from many organizations that they face roadblocks when it comes to creating more inclusive and engaged boards. In response, we are launching a free workshop series which will tackle these challenges and many more over the course of three sessions.

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