The Gifford Newsletter

Fall 2023
Investing in Individuals and Organizations

The Nourishing Tomorrow's Leaders logo on a light blue background framed by headshots of the 2023 graduates.

Meet the Class of 2023

The 10th class of Nourishing Tomorrow’s Leaders received their diplomas after nine weeks of intensive training. NTL teaches participants how to become effective board members with the goal of increasing diversity across nonprofit boards. NTL is supported through a partnership between The Gifford Foundation, The Central New York Community Foundation, Leadership Greater Syracuse, and the Human Services Leadership Council.

Looking for a board member for your organization? Explore graduate profiles and get in touch using the button below: 

A Guide to Successful Recruitment and Retention

The Gifford Foundation invited Human Resources expert Dr. Tiffanie Dillard to present strategies for how nonprofits can actually leverage the fast-changing work environment to their advantage: by playing to their strengths and learning from the data, there are ways to grow your applicant pool while making life better for the staff you already have.

Sheena Solomon is the Executive Director of The Gifford Foundation.

“What If…” Mini Grants: A Record Breaking Year

In 2023, more “What If…” applications were submitted, more projects were funded, more grant dollars were awarded, and more orientation sessions were attended than ever before. We sat down with grantees and invited them to share their experiences participating in the program.

Getting Started with Board Self-Evaluations

A nonprofit’s board of directors carries a great weight. As the organization’s governing body, it is responsible for preserving mission alignment, maintaining compliance with state and federal regulations, and much more.

To help better identify your own board’s strengths and weaknesses, try this evaluation tool and see what you discover.

Salt City Harvest Farm Executive Director Jacob Gigler-Caro wears a t-shirt and jeans while talking to a farmer in their apple orchard.

Looking Back: Reflections on Board Service

Graduates from the Nourishing Tomorrow’s Leaders program share ideas, challenges, and lessons learned from their years serving on nonprofit boards, including:

  • What are some of the biggest challenges you see boards facing?
  • What advice would you give someone serving as Board President?
  • What can nonprofits do to successfully attract new talent to their board?
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