Creating more inclusive and engaged boards takes intentional and consistent effort. To help guide these efforts, The Gifford Foundation is partnering with The Central New York Community Foundation to offer a free two-part workshop series that will provide a roadmap for success and solutions to potential roadblocks.

Registration does not guarantee a spot at the workshop. You will receive a confirmation email once your enrollment has been confirmed.
Oct. 16th and Oct. 23rd from 4:30 – 7:30 pm.
Location: CNY Community Foundation, Ballroom, 431 E Fayette St #100, Syracuse, NY 13202
Session 1, Oct. 16: Compliance, Committees, and Self-Evaluation
Session 2, Oct. 23: Board Engagement: Ways to Engage the Board
Session 1: Committees, Compliance, and Self-Evaluation
- Why you need a Board Development Committee.
- Helping your board officers understand their roles and responsibilities.
- Strategies to effectively maintain compliance with New York State’s reporting requirements.
- How to assess risk and mitigate liability for your organization.
- An activity around creating and implementing a board self-assessment, including board leadership succession awareness. (Each group will take this back to their full board to perform mini board self-assessment that will dovetail into Session 2 for discussion /sharing ideas, etc.)
Session 2: Board Engagement
- Learning ways to engage your board (both new and existing members)
- Exploring best practices for a board development committee’s work around continuous board member engagement including:
- Review of mini board self-assessments that each group has done with their board following Session 1;
- Community ambassador training;
- Retention and recruitment ideas for board members.

Featuring Maria Fibiger, President / Senior Consultant – Three Dog Consulting
View Maria's Bio
With more than 15 years of consulting practice and 25+ years of career experience in the nonprofit & public administration fields, Maria brings a wealth of knowledge to her work.
She has held top-level nonprofit executive positions for numerous organizations and as such, her view of the day-to-day challenges faced by so many nonprofits is realistic and down-to-earth. Maria’s consulting experience is expansive and includes:
- Leading a cohort capacity-building program for Start-Up and Early Growth organizations;
- Providing sustaining board development support to an animal welfare organization with members
through the U.S. and Canada; - Developing and providing full nonprofit management services for an 8-county wellness program for Upstate NY cancer patients and increasing revenue from $60k to $1.4m annually.
She specializes in working with Start-Up, Growth, and Turnaround Lifecycle Stage organizations that need to develop and implement action plans to meet the ever-changing needs around organizational growth, transition planning, and building capacity. Maria holds a B.S. Degree in Public Administration & Urban Planning with a Certification in Nonprofit Management & Organizational Development from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is also a Certified Lifecycles™ Capacity Consultant of
the Nonprofit Lifecycles Institute.